What is a chrome delete?
Oftentimes, vehicle manufacturers will add chrome to their products as a styling choice, that many people like. Unfortunately, if you’re among the people that don’t like it, you may be stuck with a style that doesn’t match your own. Wolf Designs offers a chrome delete service where we use high quality vinyl material to cover the chrome. This works perfectly for window belt moldings, headlight surrounds, grilles, and more. The vinyl we use is flexible, so it can be applied to the ever-changing surfaces of any vehicle. In just a few short hours, you can completely delete all the chrome on your vehicle without causing permanent damage. If you ever change your mind, it can be peeled off, and the cost is a fraction of what it might cost to paint the area or change the chrome part. It’s a win-win for you and your style choices.
Is Chrome delete removable?
The best part about changing a vehicle’s look is the ability to change it back if you want to. Vinyl wrapping is perfect for anyone that may change their mind later because chrome delete is completely reversible. It is not technically involved to remove a vinyl wrap, and mostly requires a heat gun and some patience. Wolf Designs does recommend that a professional completes any removal of vinyl from your vehicle, as it can often turn bad without the proper training.
Should I Invest in a Chrome Delete Option for My Vehicle?
Chrome delete is a great way to improve the look of your vehicle, and Wolf Designs can help you. We use high quality materials, so you’ll be happy with the overall look and design of your project. One of the larger benefits of removing the chrome look is to create a more aggressive and uninterrupted look to your vehicle’s lines. This will leave you with a classy and understated look so you can stand out from the rest of the road warriors battling to get to work.